Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 8: Water World

I was surrounded by water today. You'd think since I'm on a giant island, it would go without saying. But seriously, I was on water for the same amount of time I was on land, if not more. It also doesn't help that I don't know how to swim.

Yes, I know what your thinking, "Miguel, you don't know how to swim?! That's a life skill, you should really take lessons. I can teach you, I was a lifeguard at (insert hometown here)! And why the heck are you doing (insert water related activity here) in the first place, your going to (insert dramatic water death here)!"

Well, for your information, I have taken child and adult swimming lessons, and I still struggle with swimming for reasons I don't want to focus on in this post. Let's focus on my enjoyment of water. I absolutely love water. Like most humans throughout history (ask any British, French, or Italian landscape historian), I am entranced by the liquid substance. I enjoy walking along beaches, jumping off cliffs, boat tours, and of course kayaking! The latter two are activities that I accomplished today.

                                  Canal Tour                                    This is a house!

Canal Tour:
Although I was disappointed that the London canal tour did not include commentary on the surrounding environment, Dr. Everhart was able to produce an overview of the canal, a short history, and information on the surrounding boats. The boats in the area have a rich history with a tight community, and most interestingly, are actually fully utilized housing people live in. Quite a different environment then my northern Illinois stomping grounds. 

River Thames Kayak Tour:
So you know how a few days ago on my "Stairway to Heaven" post I complained about climbing thousands of stairs at St. Paul's Cathedral? Well, that has nothing on what I did today. I mean it. What did I do you ask? How about kayaking upstream of the River Thames for 3 miles, and then kayaking back another 3 miles. Yes, that's right, 6 miles in the middle of the London heat wave. And it was totally worth it.

                      Keila & Melissa on the dock           Westminster Palace Silhouette

It's not often you get to be in London, England. It's also not often you get the opportunity to kayak through one of the most historic rivers in the history of mankind. How can you say no to this opportunity? Melissa (pictured above, check out her blog here) was the person I must give credit to for setting up this trip. It was amazing and totally worth it. The feeling of seeing Big Ben and the London Eye straight from a kayak in the Thames cannot be replicated. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It made all the pain, heat, exhaustion, and lack of kayaking skills worth the trouble. I leave you with this amazing picture taken by Jessica Buckles:

Photo Credit: Jessica Buckles

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