Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 16 Part II: Regal

Today was a very regal day for me in London. It really felt like I was immersed in how the other half lives. I hesitate to say the 1% just because of all the political ramifications that come along with it, as well as the fact that the places we visited were primarily filled with non-1%’ers like myself.

So what places did I visit today? Well we visited the Kensington Palace along with enjoying ourselves to some nice and fancy English High Tea.

Kensington Palace: regal indeed

There was a lot to see at the Kensington Palace, mainly based on how large it was. The building consisted of numerous rooms serving seemingly endless purposes. To give you a perspective, along with having rooms with 15’+ ceilings, there was a circular dance hall located in the middle of the first floor. This goes along with the enormous amount of “stuff” that was inside the museum. Although I am not a fashion student nor do I know anything about high-class English clothing, I really enjoyed looking at the princess dress exhibits (yes, I’m confortable enough with my manliness to admit this). The aspect that was most interesting about the dresses was evaluating and looking at how fashion has changed over the decades, and how it has stayed the same. Luckily, I was surrounded by very smart women from class who, when I pointed, indicated a positive or negative opinions of the dresses. That was rather fun.

There was plenty of regal art, clothing, and furniture to look at throughout the palace, but honestly, I was a bit confused by the layout of the exhibits. I often found myself being uncertain of what I was looking at since many artifacts did not have labels.

                          Melissa the English CEO                   Queen Artifacts Galore

The highlight of my day was having High Tea (afternoon tea) at a really fancy restaurant. I was clearly very underdressed, but it was great to taste the tea. I put two brown sugar lumps, and lots of cream (?). It was really great. I know I will definitely be drinking more tea when I get back to the states. The tea was accompanied by an amazing assortment of pastries and sandwiches. I’m not sure exactly what it was I had, but it ranged from salmon and cheese to strawberries, tarts, and chocolate. It was fantastic.

Maybe I’ll find some High Tea locations in the states. Although I’d probably gain a lot of weight.

Kings were portly right?

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