Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 1: The Arrival

One word: jet lag. I thought my Virgin Atlantic flight leaving at 6:00 p.m. central time and arriving at 8:00 a.m. London time was going to be ideal. A solid 7 hours of sleep overnight with an upgrade to extended leg room seating sounded amazing. What I forgot about was the interruptions.

Everything from beverage orders, lunch, and breakfast, to attendants letting me know I needed to have my seatbelt on. Call me an idealist, but let's just say I did not get 7 hours of sleep. Don't get me wrong, I was in an amazing airplane which was, according to the pilot, the newest plane in the fleet. It definitely felt new, and the meals did not disappoint.

On a brighter note, what's really kept me awake this first day is the excitement of being in a city that I've never been in, along enjoying the company of meeting a couple of my classmates. That and the amazing weather.

My first day in London has been adventurous. I meet with my classmate, Martha (who is awesome by the way) at the airport. You can check out her blog here. It was a really easy trip from the airport to the Study Centre, which only reaffirmed my support for the buddy system. Once we arrived at our flats, I went on productive mode. In four hours I unpacked and organized everything, met my flatmates (which are from different FSU programs), bought a cell phone, got some coffee, and took a tour of the Study Centre. Not bad for a guy with jet lag. Oh, and don't even get me started on Fred...

     Fred's ticket     

Martha at the train station

My new home

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