Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 5: Architecture of the Landscape

Much like July 10th's trip, I was especially looking forward to today's adventures. We were scheduled to start the trip at Regent's Park located in Central London, which is the second largest park in the area.

Google Map of Regent's Park 

I have a special affinity for parks due to my previous career and undergraduate studies in Landscape Architecture. During my education, I was fortunate enough to learn a bit about a variety of European styles of landscape design, including those in England. Although now I can barely identify the names of 4-5 trees, I still have a good memory of English style landscapes. 

I was very interested in seeing what aspects of landscape design were present at Regent's Park. Although I am aware of some of the English landscape garden elements present in Hyde Park, I did not know what to expect from Regent's Park. This is a sample of what I found:

                                   Formal Flower Bed            Water Fountain Statue

The park was really very interesting, dynamic, and very large. It contained formal gardens, playing fields, and even a track! I was actually very surprised to find strong elements of the French formal garden, which is based on symmetry and order. 

Some amazing parts of the park included Queen Mary's Garden, which had thousands upon thousands of roses. It was really a site to see. I can't imagine trying to smell all of those flowers. Or try to choose a variety for a wedding...

'Deep Secret' Rose

I was really happy to spend an hour or so walking around different sections of the park to look at the plants and respective flowers. Although I know it would have detracted from the formality and elegance of the gardens, I wish they had labels within the beds as they do in Arboretums. It would be great to do some personal research on the flowers to find out more about them. 

On another note, I want to (and hopefully plan to) find out how much it costs to maintain Regent's Park. I know a bit about landscape maintenance, and let me tell you, I can't even imagine the cost of maintaining such large formal gardens and lawn spaces. I bet they have some amazing gardeners though!

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